How to translate Lens
Would you prefer to use Lens in a language other than English? While Lens was developed in English, there are a few quick and easy ways to use tools in your internet browser to translate the text in Lens to a different language. We've given this a try in a few different browsers and have included steps for each below. Also, it's important to note that while these machine-generated translations are hugely helpful, there may be some inaccuracies in the translations.
Google Chrome
To translate Lens in Google Chrome, simply log into your Lens account and then click the icon with three dots in the top right corner of the window. Then, click translate and select your desired language.
To translate Lens in Firefox, log into your Lens account and then click the icon with three horizontal lines in the top right corner of the window and then "Translate page...".
Then, select the button "Change language source".
Finally, select English from the "Translate from" list, and then select your desired language from the list under "Translate to".
First, ensure that your desired language is included in the list of your "Preferred Languages" under the "General" section of your Mac's System Preferences. This will enable the translation icon on your Safari browser.
Next, log into Lens and click the translation icon in the URL bar. Then, select the desired language.