Property Tags

With Lens, you can organize and manage your properties using customizable tags. Tags help you organize and label your work so you can track and find the properties you’re interested in.

In this article:

Adding and removing tags

You can add and remove tags from one or more properties in your portfolio. These changes will only be applied to the property or properties you have selected.

For a single property

  1. Navigate to the property overview page.
  2. If your property already has tags, click on the existing tag(s) to the right of the property name.
  3. If your property does not already have tags, hover over the property row and click on the Add Property tags... button to the right of the property name.
  4. Select or unselect tag(s) as desired.

Alternatively, you can add and remove tags for a single property in the selected property view's Details sidebar:

  1. Click on a property name in the property overview table.
  2. Click on the Details menu item in the left toolbar.
  3. Click on the three dots next to Property Tags under the Property Details section.
  4. Select or unselect tag(s) as desired.

For multiple properties

  1. Navigate to the property overview page.
  2. Select all properties of interest by checking the checkbox on the left side of the row.
  3. From the property actions menu, click the Tags button.
  4. Select or unselect tag(s) as desired.

For a multi-location property 

Multi-location properties have two or more parts that make up the overall property. Tags can be set both at the overall property level, and at the individual part level. Each part is listed beneath the overall property name in the Property Overview page, and tags can be added to each of these following the same processes listed above. Solid color tags on the multi-location property indicate that all locations of the property have that tag. Dashed line tags on a multi-location property indicate that at least one but not all locations of that property have the tag.

Filtering by tags

You can filter by tags to narrow down the property list to properties of interest. There are two places where you can filter by tag: on the property overview page and by selecting a property. Deselecting all of the tags in the filter menu will bring you back to the full list of properties.

From the property overview page

  1. Navigate to the property overview page.
  2. Click on the Filter by tag button in the table header.
  3. Select which tags and operation you'd like to filter by.

From the Property Map View

  1. Click on a property name in the property overview table.
  2. Click the Property menu item in the upper left corner.
  3. Click on the Filter by tags button in the upper right corner.
  4. Select which tags and operation you'd like to filter by.

Customizing tags

Organization administrators can customize the labels available in the selected portfolio. This is the catalog of tag options that users may select from when adding tags to properties or filtering the property list by tags.

  1. From any of the add and remove tags menus (see the "Adding and removing tags" section above), click Customize tags... at the bottom of the menu.
  2. You should now see a dialog with a Customize Tags header. From here, you can:
    1. Create and delete tags.
    2. Edit the name and color of existing tags.
    3. Drag-and-drop tags to reorder them.

⚠️Important note: Changes made in the Customize Tags dialog affect tags on all properties. For example, deleting a tag will remove it from all properties that currently have that label.

Resetting Tags

If you would like to remove all tags from your properties: 
  • Select the checkmark next to the “Name” column to select all of your properties
  • Click the Tags button
  • Select "Clear all Property Tags" to remove all tags from your properties, 
  • The following message will pop-up: “Are you sure you want to clear all tags?”, click “Yes"