Updating Properties

Use our “Update Properties” tool to modify property boundaries within your portfolios. All notes will be migrated to the new property area and any imagery purchases you’ve made that overlaps with the new boundary.

How to update boundaries in Lens

After opening your Portfolio, Admin and Member users will see an option on the center of the screen to “Update Properties.”

Click on this to get to the Updater page, where you can upload a new file. This file could include only the updated property boundaries, or a larger portfolio update that includes both boundary updates and new properties combined. 

After uploading your new file, we’ll match the properties based on their geography and you’ll be able to review the changes on the map and in a table to make sure it all looks as you’d expect. 

  • The table includes details on the new property area and change
  • If you included new properties in your file as well, you’ll see those with a green “+” on the table
  • You’ll also see a summary of all the changes at the bottom next to the “Confirm” button

What to expect after updating a property boundary

Once you click “Confirm,” we’ll begin processing those new boundaries. You may need to refresh your page to see the updates on the Portfolio Overview page. 
All notes will be migrated to the new property area and any imagery purchases you’ve made that overlaps with the new boundary. 

Below is an example showing a property with ordered imagery before the boundary has been updated to cover a larger area.

After the boundary update, the imagery purchased is still associated with the property but only covers part of the new property area.

The imagery purchase will now be labeled “partial” and you have the option to purchase the remaining area if you choose. 

Potential errors you may encounter

See our support doc about Preparing Geospatial Data for Lens for a complete overview of formats we support, common file issues and guidance.

A few examples of errors you may encounter in the Property Updater include:

  • Error if the new property boundary covers multiple existing properties in that portfolio
  • Error if used to split a multi-location property – please reach out to us at lens@upstream.tech for support when modifying multi-location or multi-polygon properties
  • Error if the area limits for the new property boundary exceed the limits for upload in Lens