Ordering High Resolution Imagery
This article covers:
- Ordering imagery from the Property Map View
- Ordering partial imagery
- Ordering imagery from the Property Overview Page
- Hiding images
How to order imagery and data in Lens
Lens allows you to easily order high-resolution, Truecolor imagery and data from a variety of aerial vendors. There are two ways to order imagery in Lens: from the Property Map View, or from the Property Overview Page.
Ordering Imagery from the Property Map View
To order imagery from the Property Map View, select “Order” from the left sidebar, and you’ll see a list of all the available options for your property.
From here, you can also use the sort and filter buttons at the top of the Order pane. You might want to choose the most recently captured image to get an up-to-date understanding of property conditions, for example, or one captured in the late fall for leaf-off imagery that allows you to see what’s happening under the canopy more clearly. If you hover over an image in that list, you’ll see an eye icon, which allows you to hide image options that don’t meet your needs (and you can always unhide later).
After you’ve found an image that you’re interested in ordering, select “Preview” for any of these images to see more details, including cloud coverage, costs, and a low-resolution preview of the area. This is a good time to make sure this image will meet your needs. Make sure that the image appears to meet your contrast and quality needs. For satellite sources, you can see the time of day (in your time zone) that the image was captured. Once you select “Order Image,” processing will begin so that you can view the full resolution image in Lens. Note that only users with the Admin role can order imagery.
By default, we process high-resolution imagery thumbnails back to the beginning of the prior year. If you are using Lens for baselines or need to order imagery from earlier time periods, please reach out to us.
In some cases, you may see imagery that partially covers your property. These areas are marked in red on the preview map. We make these images available to you as additional options for ordering, as the covered area may cover what you're hoping to see. You won't be charged for uncovered portions of image, and you can use the Order Partial Imagery tool to order a covered subsection of at least 10 acres.
Ordering partial areas
If you’re interested in ordering imagery or data for only a part of a property, you can use the Order Partial Area feature. This can be ideal for follow-up, strategically spending budget on larger properties, or even checking to see if imagery or data meets your needs before purchasing the entire scene.
From the Order pane on the left, you’ll see an icon for “Order Partial Imagery” where you can draw a rectangle on the map of your property to indicate where you need imagery or data, as shown below.
There is a 10 acre (4 hectare) minimum for partial area ordering, and once you draw a rectangle you'll be able to see if it’s large enough or adjust. Once your selection meets these requirements, you’ll see the options for imagery and data that overlaps with your selection and be able to order for only that part of the scene. Any scenes that don’t overlap with your selection will be greyed out from the list of orderable options.
For partial area ordering, the selection you choose is exactly what we will process, unlike ordering a full scene where we include buffers automatically. If you select an area to order that falls within the buffer zone of the property, you'll only be charged for acreage within the property boundary.
After a partial scene has been ordered, you’ll see a gold “Partial” label on the date dropdown and in the Order pane.
You can always go back and order more imagery or data from that same scene, or select it in the Order list and “Order Rest of Image” to complete the scene.
Ordering Imagery from the Property Overview Page
It’s also possible to order images directly from the list of properties in your Property Overview Page, which can be helpful if you’re ready to order imagery for multiple properties. Navigate to the “High-Res for [Year]” column and hover to see what images have been captured for each property. A list of available images and dates will pop up, and you can select “Show Imagery” to view those thumbnails, preview, and order.
This can also be a helpful approach for Multi-location properties which include more than one individual part. Each part is listed beneath the overall property name in the Property Overview, and imagery is ordered separately for each individual part.
Hiding Images
If there are images that do not suit your needs, they can be hidden from the list of available imagery. Open the available images from within the property or from the Property Overview page. Click on the "Hide this image" button to hide it from the list of available imagery.
To view any hidden imagery, select the "Show" button at the bottom of the imagery list.