Account Settings

The Settings page can be found in the dropdown menu from the top right of Lens. From here, you’ll find sections for Organization, Team and Notifications. 

Organization Settings

From the Organization page, Admin users are able to modify the name of your organization. This is what will automatically appear in reports generated through Lens.

Team Settings

The team page is where you can see a full list of teammates within your Lens account. Admins can use the blue "Invite" button on the right to generate a link to share with new teammates, which will allow them to create an account within your organization. Please see the User Management support doc for more information about managing your users, their roles and permissions.

Notifications Settings

Set your preferences for what kinds of changes in Lens should trigger an email from the Notifications settings page. Users can opt to receive email notifications from Lens, which is a daily digest for new notes, high resolution imagery options, imagery ordered, or vegetation alerts (depending on the subscription plan you’re on). Enrolling in Imagery Ordered notifications will send an email when imagery has been ordered and processing is complete. By default, we send this to the orderer, but this notification allows property assignees to also receive a notification when new imagery is ready on their property. 
For each portfolio and each type of notification, you can select one of the following options:

  • All properties
  • Assigned to me
  • None

You can use the Bulk Edit tool to change notification preferences for multiple properties at once, as shown above.